Tuesday, May 24, 2005

from "Art, Space, and Everything that is Anything"

by Chelsea Haramia

As we have seen, one of the main lacking elements of perspective representation in Medieval art was the disregard for presenting the composition from a single perceiver’s point of view.

In fact... Medieval... space... is... a true... point of view... -- Florentine Filippo Brunelleschi.

Yet [Brunelleschi] is very adamant about the assertion that such perspective was [his] own creation, and, because of this, he reasons that “any knowledge of the nature of such a system [from antiquity] had undoubtedly since been lost” (White 113).

[A]rtists and theorists ... broke... artificial ... painters ... by ... mathematics. Nonetheless, representation is ... assembly lines, continually... aesthetic.

In addition... each person got an egg, including Brunelleschi, and it was decided that whomever could get his egg to stand on its end would construct the cupola. Everyone tried and failed, except of course Brunelleschi. At his turn, he gently cracked the eggs bottom and it stood perfectly upright. So it came to pass that Brunellleschi was granted allowance to construct the cupola.


Blogger fred burgess! said...

The original is a brief and metaphysical history of Everything, with an emphasis on art. It's an epic, really. I just extracted a couple points from the section about Brunelleschi.

The cupola, by the way, can be seen here:


12:06 PM  

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